Leipzig 1813
The Battle Of The Nations

Our largest Grand Empires board game to date, Leipzig 1813 is the Battle of the Nations.
This game book contains 140 pages of facts, rules and accessories to play it right on your tabletop. A game board constructed in six sections forms your battlefield. The basic game has 186 battle counters split between the two opposing armies, whilst the advance game introduces another 121 detachment counters. Included in the book are 30 optional event cards that are battle specific to Leipzig 1813.
The battle of Liebertwolkwitz is included as an optional gameplay, it will determine if the Allies achieve a more favourable advantage when they deploy for the first day of the Battle of Leipzig. Also known for being the largest cavalry conflict of the Napoleonic Wars.
The Battle of Leipzig is a logistical nightmare for Napoleon, as the battle progresses the opposing forces increase and their available routes of contact increase. By the conclusion of the first day of conflict at the Battle of Leipzig, Napoleon should be surrounded!
Achieve a complete victory by capturing Napoleon or the Allied Monarchs, cause your opponent to concede through attrition or Napoleon may even be able to force an Armistice by dividing the Allied Monarchs.